Traffic Management

Traffic Management

by genyztransport

All around the world, the traffic volume of the road network in major cities is showing no sign of abating. This is a major problem in most cities particularly during peak travel hours. The ability to efficiently manage the demand for road space is a key requirement to preventing congestion and flow breakdown. Also, in a fairly advanced road network, getting more from available roads is top priority.

Genyz Transport Solutions is pioneering the Intelligent Traffic Management paradigm which involves the application of multiple intervention strategies using a range of tools, technologies and policies to ensure maximum value is obtained from the strategic road network in termsĀ of capacity and safety.

Some common interventions that are used include:

  • Managed motorways
  • Intelligent traffic control
  • Demand management
  • Incident detection and management

Our work in these areas is supported by a strong research capability that provides insights into complex travel behaviour, and the type of intervention that will provide optimum long-term solutions. Carefully combining different traffic management measures serves to increase traffic safety and optimize the capacity of the existing road network such that traffic flows is optimized while also limiting the negative effects of the excessive traffic.

To find out more about our managed services please click on the relevant link for more information.
